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Site Disclaimer


  The Iklanmetro Website (http://www.iklanmetro.com) is a free  classified ads website. We do not make any representation to any ads submitted in our websites nor we  checked out the conditions or the reputations of the people who submit the ads listed in our website. We only provide a place for people to sell, buy or trade goods or services.  All transaction and discussions must take place between the buyer and the seller.

For buyer and sellers; We suggest that you check out the goods and conditions of good or services submitted in here. We have no resposibilities for goods and services submitted here.  Submitter will be responsible for their ads.

Please let us know if you found a fraud or fake ads,send written proof of this and we will remove the advertisement from the site immediately.

We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement submitted to our site. We reserve the right to cancel any advertisement already submitted if we feel the ads is not apropriate or unfit. 

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email us at  support@iklanmetro.com


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